Saturday, August 13, 2011

How can I cleanse my now tainted reputation? ?

Ok, here’s the thing. Yesterday we had a Japanese delegation in the office for a very important sales meeting. I had been so nervous about this that I hadn’t been able to move my bowels for days before. Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of negotiations, I get the call; and don’t mean a whisper but a shout. So, apologizing with the lame excuse that I had left some papers on my desk, I applied a severe sphincter-lock to myself and beat feet out of there, bee-lining it straight for the john. Once there, it was all I could do to drop drawers and plant myself before the event occurred. First I gave a rectum ripping birth to a big brown baby easily 22 inches in length with a girth the size of my forearm. This was followed by 15 minutes of noxious and explosive, splattering diarrhea. By the time the episode had ped, I was soaked in sweat, splotched from the waist down with plops of poop and had filled the room with a pernicious, putrid, almost visible moist cloud of cloying gas. Praising the Lord in no uncertain terms, I cleaned myself up as best I could and made to leave when it came to me that I hadn’t flushed. There was nothing to do but to return to the scene of the crime and pull the chain. To my horror, the only thing that happened was that soup and substance went round and round while the bowl filled and ran over the rim. My new born now lay on the on the slimy floor like some fetid fetus from hell. I left the room in a panic. But just as I walked into the hall, I saw the Japanese delegation approaching. They were headed for the john. No sooner had they entered than the air was filled horrified “Ohhhs!!!” and “Ah-sooos!!!” that reverberated through the building. They then began snapping pictures. It is my responsibility to close the deal with these people, but they now look at me with something between disgust and loathing. If I don’t close this deal I fear I will lose my job. My company sells personal hygiene products. Please help! What should I do?

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