Saturday, August 13, 2011


My roomate that I live with right now is a lot like that. Her grandfather past away almost 3 months ago, and she is still having a hard time getting over it. If you even mention grandparents, she cries. I like to try and take her out of the house when I can, and do what ever she wants to do. Have a girls night with her, watch funny movies, make pop corn and cake, cake is always good. Face masks are a lot of fun, the sight of a green face can make anyone laugh! Do things you haven't had the chance to do in a while. Better yet do some things that you've always wanted to do, but just haven't, the new experience could ease the pain a little, and remember to always be there for her, and reure her that everything is going to be okay. I'm sorry for the loss, and I know it may be hard, but try to have fun! Every day things will get a little bit easier. Good luck!

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