Thursday, August 18, 2011

I am looking using the best uninstall program?

i am presently developing utilization of revo uninstaller which could be freeware and i experienced been just wndering if there is primarily a much better plan available or this just one could possibly be the best?

Do people need to bash on a celebrity for a mistake that can easily happen to anyone?

I just want to cry. This Land of the free is full of hate. Everywhere i go, i see a cruel comment about Christina Aguilera. So she made a major mistake at the superbowl, everyone makes mistakes, she's probably crying right now from embarrment. Gosh! Please Jesus come back and put these bad people to there place!

If I left a stew out overnight, is it still okay to eat?

Honestly as not knowing what kind of bacterias are floating around I would not chance eating anything left out over night. All my sanitation and safety cl training is urging me to tell you no. But then you need to make up your own judgement. The worst that cold happen is you could get physicly sick, or an upset stomach. Its your choice if you want to risk food posioning.

Boxing day dinner woes?

How about serving an unsliced ham joint? People can either take a bigger slice with your potatoes and salad as an alternative to the salmon or take a small amount with the chutney. A cheese board would also be a simple alternative.

Rate my dino deck... i think its pretty good.. its a beatdown deck i call it extinction lol?

it looks really good because you got those extra dinasouars i had a dinasouar deck and i hated it proably because i dint spend enough time on it but the way you made it makes me like the dinasouars again - you did a great job building it and ill give you a 7.6 / 10 i wish i could duel this deck but maybe you should have an equal amount of spells and traps as you do monsters

How can i change my group moderator pword?

If the pword is the same as what you use for your e-mail if you have a Yahoo e-mail address you can change it thru the section of the Yahoo Mail sign in page that says, "Forgt Pword or ID" or where it says, "options" within the e-mail program in the upper right hand corner.

How long will it take to see results from running?

I have started 3 weeks ago, running 5 times a week and cycling twice a week, for a mini marathon, how long will it be before I see my fitness getting better and looking trim? (I'm naturally thin size 8), but want a fab, fit body too.

Is it laughable that the GOP is still whining on about Obama choosing an "activist" judge?

Yes, when you consider that the wrong wingers have stacked the court with activist judges that make rulings based on ideologies instead of case law.

How did Sean Marsee develop cancer so quickly?

Sean Marsee died from oral cancer due to chewing tobacco for 6 years. How did he die so is it even possible to develop cancer that quickly? Was it hereditary? Is it really possible to develop cancer that quickly? Thanks

Country video late 90'S where the girl is in a pj looking in a fridge and the guys sees her differently?

looking for a video from later then 1998 where a woman sees her self as looking terrible while she takes care of her family and all her husband sees is this hot chick theres a scene where she opens the fridge door in her pj's and he sees her dressed totally differently. can you help me find it ?its good for a laugh

Need Help with Physics questions!?!?

a href=";_ylt=AgfgscOtR3wBcpCuQ_8Bpy4jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20100504045835AAyBZlE";…/a

Major mood swings! How do you deal?

I'm 9 weeks and 4 days today, up to this point I was doing great about not letting my mood swings get the best of me, but I don't know if it's the constant morning sickness ALL day long that has turned me into a living nightmare or what? My poor husband I cry if he even looks at me the wrong way, sometimes even yell at him if he looks at me at all. Everything he does annoys me. My mom calling and checking on me constantly(which is sweet!) is driving me insane! His dad and step mom stop by ALL the time, usually when the house is a mess, and I'm in my pj's with no make lovely! It's just everything is getting on my nerves and it's driving me insane! Being sick all the time is making me feel like a complete crazy person and my husband just acts like it can't be that bad. I came so close to punching him today, LOL. Then while his parents were over earlier I wanted a bowl of cereal because I thought I had a chance of holding it down and then realized we didn't have any milk. I just broke down into tears and they were all staring at me like I was some crazy person!! I felt so stupid! Has anyone else had these type of mood swings and been going through this? Does anything help? I'm Desperate, lol

Citing online sources, MLA?

I have several source points from different pages on the same website. In my Works Cited page, do I cite each page, or the entire website?

Can You Explain This About Oily Skin?

Every time I squeeze my nose, even if there are no properly visible blackeads, oil comes out in a sort of toothpaste tube style (ewww lol). And I realised that it happens when I squeeze the corners of my mouth, and my chin! It's horrible. I wash my face with a blackhead clearing scrub, and sometimes a clinique facewash, but the facewash makes my skin really dry even though the oiliness goes away for a while. Does the oil squeezing thing happen to you? And how can I stop it, or is it a teenage skin thing? thank you for reading :)x

What is pure distilled water? And how do you make it / get it without buying it?

I need to get pure distilled water for a sort of lava aquarium lamp. I was wondering how to get this water without having to buy bottled water.

How to get bigger ?

ok, im 15 and im like a freshman and wear a 34A and i wnat bigger s like can you guys give me advice thanks?

College overload and confused bout whats been asked please help.?

It looks like a rubric. The professor is probably explaining how they grade and what the grade means. P looks like average, a C. Merit looks like good, B. And Distinction looks like exceptional, A. The descriptions tell you what you need to do/be able to do to get that grade.

Can I keep a leased car until my bankruptcy discharges even if the primary signer's discharge happens first?

I am a co-signer on a leased vehicle. The primary signer recently filed bankruptcy and I told him not to reaffirm the lease since I got a terrible deal but had no choice at the time. His discharge is coming up this month. I on the other am going to file before his discharge happens. Will I be able to keep the car until my discharge happens or will they take it when his discharge happens? Will they take the car if I don't make payments on it during the bankruptcy process?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just got dared to stick a baseball bat in my hoo-haa, but scared it might stretch me and make me loose?

Will my hoo-haa stretch and go back to it's natural tightness if I stick a baseball bat up in it or will I stay loose? It is an aluminum baseball bat and my brother's friend is daring me to do it so I really should do it or else I gotta leave the party and since I live here and my friend is on vacation, I will have to sleep in the yard if I don't do it. What to do?

Going to fail the cl because of a crossword, help?

ask your teacher what he was talking about as you didnt grasp what you were meant to,teachers are not gods and sometimes thet may not get the point across in the way they think they are so if you dont understand the question just ask them to explain

Why do people love doing these sort of things?

It's the same reason why people love to do the same on Y!A. They like to incite anger for their own personal benefit, think that it's entertaining, try to attract attention to themselves, etc. There are the people who think that way, but those are the radicals who would like to radically change the world, and they're easily identified.

The world is coming to an end...?!?!?

This has been going on since the beginning of time . In the 50's everybody was sure the bomb was coming and we would all be history . We have just become more civilized and barbaric at the same time . The poor have been feeling helpless through out history . Enjoy the life that you have so you dont look back forty years from now and realize that your life was filled with worry and misery

Start pierre thomas or darren mcfadden this week?

Pierre Thomas is an every week starting back. He gets the workload and will be getting the goal line carries also. This is your guy EVERY week!!

Xbox 360 microsoft points?

hey im new to xbox live and i confused achievments for microsoft points can anyone tell me the difference also could you send me some microsoft points my gamertagg is: Advent Hero

Can I use TexMex for Quiche Lorraine?

You could make a nice quiche with your ingredients, but it's not Quiche Lorraine. Quiche Lorraine is bacon and swiss cheese in the quiche base. Your recipe sounds fine, but please don't call it Lorraine.

Spanish translation ?

Azteca, pueblo indio que domin� el centro de M�xico en la �poca de la conquista espa�ola. Su idioma pertenec�a a la subfamilia Nahuatlan de los idiomas Uto-Aztecas. Llegaron al Valle de M�xico desde el norte alrededor del final del siglo XII y hasta la fundaci�n de su capital, Tenichtitl�n (1325) fueron una tribu pobre y n�mada que absorb�a la cultura de estados cercanos. Para el siglo siguiente mantuvieron una autonom�a pol�tica precaria mientras pagaban tributo a las tribus vecinas, pero por alianza, traici�n y la conquista durante el siglo XV y principios del XVI se convirtieron en un grupo pol�tico y cultural poderoso.

How can 6 computers that are for apartment residents use be protected from allowing , and lotto?

There are 6 computers in a room set aside for residents in an apartment complex. Some take advantage and open sites that are not acceptable and can bring in virus etc. What is the best way to control this situation?

Can a helicopter lifted up a container with materials inside?

If this can be done then we have our self a flying house and this house can stand on the gound to avoid some snake etc.and it can also float like a boat if we or you want to land on water. With this system people can avoid earth quake, flood, tornado?

My granddaughter says she wants a Disco Stick for her birthday. Where I can get her one?

You Have To Ask Lady GaGa For A Disco Stick, But The Catch Is That You Have To Take A Ride On Her Disco Stick First!

NEED HELP ASAP...can anyone help me calculate its orbital semi-major axis, eccentricity, and period?

An asteroid has a perihelion distance of 3.0 A.U. and an aphelion distance of 4.0 A.U. Need help ASAP!!! ignment due sep. 24 by 11:59 pacific time

Do you like the fray?

I like The Fray (I live in Denver, so that makes it extra cool that they are from here). My favorite song is "Some Trust" because it hasn't been overplayed, like their other songs.

How do speed bumps deter speeding? Do they damage vehicles?

they are not really "meant" to damage vehicles. this, however, does not mean that they can't. it is supposed to be a very uncomfortable effect, which it is, and i suppose if you were going really fast over one, it could damgage the car. or if you had a very low car and you scd a bumper off or something. i live in michigan and we have the most horrid roads you can imagine. going by how poorly our roads are maintained, you can hit a speed bump sized pothole or otherwise on the highway and not worry. so from this i would say that to damage your car you would have to be going very very fast, or have it very low.

Is it better to take creatine monohydrate or creatine mix?

Is it more efficient (in terms of muscle gain and efficiency) to take the pure creatine monohydrate that is sold or the Creatine mix that you can buy which includes things like: creatine monohydrate, creatine phosphate, glutamine, adenine, etc.

How did Bangladesh be come a independent country?

How did Bangladesh be come a independent country? This is an essay question and counts for 20 points and i really need help with this. plz!


i love to sing and i wanna get even better than i am some body who realy knows how to sing gimme like tips on how to move my mouth for certain vowels ect. help please

Coal Fire?

I have a coal fire and burn approx 1/4 bag of coal each night in this cold weather , what would I have to do to offset my carbon footprint?

Fantasy Football trade help?

Since you are in such a tough spot - you are probably going to have to give 2 players to get Brady. I would look a their roster and see what the other team needs to solidify their roster and offer that as the best person. You are looking at probably trading one of your starting RB or WR. Maybe look at offering Larry Johnson or Steve Smith plus roster help from your bench.

What's a creative job that pays well?

Offer your service of filming weddings and other videos to locals...could start off as something small and perhaps land something big. Offer them a package (photos, video, own web page, and any other good ideas). Doesn't just have to be weddings...birthdays, holidays, family reunions, etc. Or perhaps depending an online video magazine of some sort idk. I'm not too creative but I hope this helps :)

I just found this quote, does anyone know who said it?

"Well, I totally concur." –Pat Robertson to Jerry Falwell following the Sept. 11 attacks, after Falwell said, "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the s who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say: "You helped this happen."

Where can I find a good websight that has printable and colorable cats/kittens?

Hi's a website with pictures of cats you can colour like a colour-book: a href="" rel="nofollow" Click on each image to enlarge to print out and then colour


I brought my suzuki grand vitara from a used car sales garage back in january this year and have just finished cleaning it, for the first time since ive had it i pulled up the back seat and the carpet underneath to hoover and there in front of me was a horizontal welding line going all the way across metal under the back seat (7cm width), is this normal? or is it cut and shut? Please help as i dont know what to do!

Peace Teen Bedding?????????

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do people think that Bettas are evil and need to be kept alone?

i have one male betta in each of my aquriums...they are alot happier in a large tank ....the first reason i think people think they should be in small bowls is that in stores there are all those 1-5 gallon tanks saying "great for betta" #2 reason is that when you go to a store selling them they are in those small containers so i guess people ume they only need a small tank #3 reason is after people see al that they tell others that bettas are easy to take care of cause they only need a small tank .most of which i bet dont even do the water change often or have a filter or any other thing the fishh would need to survive is easier if they are in a large tank cause you dont have to change water as often and the fish will be more active , happy ,and healthy

Anorexic and Bulimic Celebrities from your day??

I need some anorexic and bulimic celebrities for health tomorrow..and they can't be like Nicole Richie and stuff they have to be from back in the day!*lol* Thanks!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Need help on a friend/work problem?

I would go talk to the senior manager, explain that your team manager was actively participating in the "inappropriate contact" and that you will not be victimized or have the blame put on you since she was also doing it and never mentioned that she didn't want to talk to you or anything like that.

What do you think federally subsidized heating istance to illegal immigrants in New Haven.?

Comes back to individual states again.Mine doesn't allow federal or state istance to anyone who isn't a citizen.Maybe we should have one set of rules across the nation.

Has any Lady here been stalked by their Ex ?

If you have been a victim of stalking, what are the stages of Stalking?, as it started out as little things, now her Ex is banging on the house at odd hours of the night and wakening her and her new partner. Its no good calling the police because there is bush land behind their house and they would never find him. Is this the worst of it? or will it get worse?. She is installing sensor lights to help deter him from doing this. Any advice would be very much appreciated Thanks.


i have this odd pimple like looking thing on the side of my ... it looks like its a growing pimple but very freaking painfull.. any suggestions on how i can get rid of it?

She never stops yelling?

Man I'm sorry. What a *****. That being said, you need to man up. Yeah, your mom's a jerk, but the only thing worse than a bossy person is the coward who listens to them. Nobody can make you do anything. Tell her, "Would you stop yelling?" Stick up for yourself. You're right, she'll probably hit you. You said you're 13. Tell her to keep her hands off. I'm telling you, this is a power struggle, and if you don't stand up for yourself, you're gonna be a momma's boy forever, and you're gonna always feel victimized. Tell the ***** off a couple times. Do it.

How can I get this girl to fall for me?

Ok, so I'm 21 and this girl who I have been friends with for about a year is 19, and she is one of my really good friends. Over the past year or so that I've known her we really bonded and she has a lot of qualities that I look for such as she's attractive, down to earth, smart, easy to talk to, likes my sort of cynical personality etc. Anyway, last year when I was first getting to know her I basically made it a point one night to tell her straight forward that I liked her etc, and she basically just said that she wasn't interested right now etc cause there was someone else, but she wanted to be friends and thought i was great etc. anyway, this past sunday we were both at a party at my place really drunk and ended up hooking up and it got really intense, but it was nice. So the thing is right now I don't really know how to go about it. I mean i know we both sort of like each other, but at the same time I don't want to start pursuing her and lose her as a friend all together. Any ideas?

What do you think of a lower back tattoo?

I think lower backs are just as valid a location choice as any other, and maybe moreso than a few, since it's discreet. The biggest downside is that you won't be able to see it without a mirror or two. But other than that, it's a really feminine and graceful spot for the right tattoo. People who call it a tramp stamp are small minded and judgmental, and you shouldn't listen to them.

Im completely stuck and need help?

Right, i asked this girl i'd liked for nearly a year out in mid august, and she txted back "tbh i don't know what can be said, your a gd friend but your not really my type, im sorry." then about a week later she was telling her + my friends that she'd turned me down, and when i heard i was kinda annoyed, i didnt say anything to her or see her the next few days though. then i got a txt off her saying how sorry she was and that she hoped i didnt hate her, and that she hopes i can forgive her ... i told her i forgave her about it all. however yesterday she came to church, missing something else she was going to, and she came with her hair down, which id told her she looks fab with it down even though she doesnt like it that much, and i would swear she looked at me during the singing. later on she also came to a church club l8r, still with her hair down, even though she had to put it up for duty (i think?), and our eyes caught each other more than once. i want to know if im being paranoid?

Whats the best way tp ship the earlist IN THE NAVY?

I would really mot enjoy waiting around a year to ship out to basic training. HOW CAN I SHIP OUT OF DEP ASAP? THANKS. i havent gone to MEPS yet.

Who does this song??

It's a slow r&b sounding song, sounds like it may be older, i dont know for sure, heard it on v103 a while ago, all i can remember, it's a guy singing it, and it sounds like a girl is singing backup, anyway, they say something about "the way that i feel", and then a few words i dont remember and "youre love is real". I cant find it anywhere. Its not lionel richie. any help is appreciated!!!!!!!

Who do u consider the greatest Africa's dictator ever, living and de?

dictatorship breeds corruption and vice versa, these tow are Africa's greatest impediment to development. help me to find out who has contributed to these two most.

OMG hugo chavez accused the US of causing the earthquake in haiti..?

If America had that kind of power to cause earthquakes and floods, all countries would be bowing down and kissing our ring. The way you people think is laughable "Any enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine" and that only last until some catastrophe comes along and everyone is crying to America for help like pansies. Hay Caramba !

Can Obama bring peace, tranquility, and prosperity back to the world?

To say bring those "back" to the world implies that it has ever been true... I somewhat doubt that there has ever been a period of complete world peace.. he *will* however be much less likely to add to the war and chaos as the Republican party is prone to do, and I see him getting us out of Iraq and not starting any more wars unless they are absolutely necessary to defending our sovereignity, unlike the warmongers Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield.

Do you still think there is no chance that we are headed for another Great Depression?

Im optimistic when we get this President out of office we can do better. A depression may still occur. Who knows we might end up being better off as a nation to be put back in our shoes. Families and neighbors helping each other again, to help ends meet. Letting people actually work for them selves instead of relying on the Gov. for everything. I also agree with the poster above about relying on everyone else for our goods. Didn't we learn that's a no no in history cl lol.

How to point out to my friend she is being a *****?

one of my best friends and i got really close over the summer and i was her best friend ( she was kind of lke my second best friend??) and we had good times and we were always really nice to people. now that school started she acts so different and i noticed this last year too. when were around other people she trys embaring me or making me look stupid. she roles her eyes or ignors me everytime i say something and even though she tries proving me wrong everytime i say something shes like "yeah, your ALWAYS right" even if i am in the situation. i want to point out that shes being a ***** and i cant stand it but she mocks everything i say especially when im being serious, or she makes fun of it with other people. idk what to do or what to say to her

Ringbone, is it worth the risk ?

Ring bone can be non-articular, meaning it does not involve either the coffin joint or the pastern joint. Have x-rays ever been done? How long has the horse had ring bone? If the horse is sound, and the price is right, I would probably take a chance on it.

In the sims 2 can plant people have babies by woo hoo-ing?

i had my plant sim and my regular sim "try for baby" and she is pregnant but she isn't having the baby. Is she able to have a baby that isn't a plant baby?

How does a girl go about asking for/ having casual ?

I find it unfair that guys can go about wanting causal but girls cant. How would I go about asking for casual? No strings attached and not being promiscuous just with one guy.

Are the Yahoo!Answers points like points in other spheres of endeavor?

Can you aculate enough of them and then trade them for stuff out of a brochure? Can you do battle against other avatars and defeat the ones with fewer points than you have? Do you get more powers depending on the number of points you have, the levels you attain? In the event that an asteroid the size of Texas was hurtling towards earth, with life destroying devastation imminent, would the government put us on spaceships according to how many points we had? Are your points closest to the score you got on the Verbal or Math sections of the SAT?

Do I have a contender?

You must be playing with some real morons to get those players picking seventh in a ten team league.

I really like this guy and I think he likes me too?

We used to say hi when we ped in the corridors at school, but suddenly he started ignoring me. What does this mean?

I feel like I am one giant ticking time bomb of gas!?

I had this same problem and I was desperate so I researched home remedies. Now this will sound silly and it will probably look silly. My hubby makes fun of me everytime I do it but it really helps. Get on the floor on all fours. Lay your cheek on the flood so that your rear is sticking up in the air. it's important that your rear is higher than your chest. I do it with my knees under my belly for a little pressure on the gut. Within minutes you will p gas. No it's not a joke I swear by it. I do it all the time now. Just try it, what do you have to lose besides the very thing that's driving you nuts. Good luck and let me know if it works. I feel your pain.

Can you believe this? Barney Frank today said the GOP suffers from a psychological disorder!?

Here we have a Liberal Democrat Congressman that trots behind men and boys with the hope and intent of playing with their , participating in sodomy and doing other stuff with them and at the same time, this very same Liberal Democrat Congressman was running around pressuring Mortgage Companies and Banks to make 'Affirmative Action Loans' to those who were not qualified to pay back their loans. Now, this very same Liberal Democrat Congressman is blaming others for the crisis that he helped create! Does he not suffer from a mental imbalance?

Boyfriend depressed / unhappy! Advice???

My boyfriend of 9yrs & was fiance - has had a hard time with our separation cos I've been studying in my home country away from him - for 1yr. We agreed to do this. Its been so very hard for me too. He visited me really enjoyed then returned home & has not been himself since. I think he hit depression again - no work, few friends etc. He's 40. He's fallen out of love with me, blames me for leave him alone too long, angry I have good time beach cos I sent him friendly email one day to cheer him up & shared photos of me at the beach. This was not to make him jealous but to try reach out to him. He wanted to move out here & leave his home country tho I dont mind where we live. I finish uni in 6weeks cannot afford fly back to see him - he was supposed to help me out! He is depressed & so angry at me. All I did was try to keep in touch (too many texts as he shut me out with harsh words) & study despite the heartache. He struggles with empty heart sometimes. I love him. Advice?

Is this a good way to share the gender?

I go in for my ultrasound on October 10th where I will hopefully find out if it's a boy or a girl. I'm so excited. I found these ultrasound picture frames at Wal-Mart for only $5, there have pink ones and blue ones and say "I'm on my way" across the top. I was thinking we would buy 2 of them for the grandparents and put a picture of the ultrasound in the frame. We would get pink for girl and blue for boy obviously. Then we will wrap it in a bag of the opposite colour to throw them off (pink bag if it's a boy and blue bag if it's a girl). Does this sound like a fun way to share to them whether they will have a granddaughter or a grandson? What did you do or are planning to do to share it with your family? Thanks.

Flashing Help?

When I log into iChat, when someone signs on, signs off , IMs me or if I IM them, my computer flashes and it's starting to get annoying. I don't know what it is. I looked in preferences but theres nothing about it. Help!!

Very embarred plzzz help girls?

Body odour gives off pheromones, which makes you feel 'in love'. If she was already in love with you, she probably would have thought it smelled good. But if she wasn't... then I don't know. But because of those pheromones, body odour is not necessarily a bad thing.

Good name for my characters? PLEASE AND THANK YOU?

This is going to sound weird, but I swear I was going to say Julian for the father even before I looked at the other person's answer! (It's 'cause he reminds me of my friend "Jennifer" and Julian is a similar name) As for the dude, maybe "Derek"? Not exactly usual, but not unusual... Sorry. I'm not being very creative today :-) Whoever said "ZJ", that'd be really cool too since it's ordinary apart, but her nickname for him (the initials) are sorta unique!

How is it possible someone shut down my IE via ebay?

I was bidding on an item via ebay. And like everyone i waited til there was 5 min left and started the countdown hoping to get that last second bid in and win. Well at exactly 2 min my IE stopped working. Couldnt use it at all. Everything else worked great. And at exactly 2 min and 1 sec (After the auction ended) i was able to use my IE again. Coincidence. Heck no. How is this possible. This is complete crap.

What is wrong with Mitt Romney? guy with no Heart!!?

these kids are american by birth: they are entitle to every right as a u.s citizen. If they were born in the US and in most cases grow up here and knows nothing about another country, where should they be deported to?

Frost nixon movie: phone call scene?

hey. can anyone please tell me what happens in the scene where nixon calls up frost in the night a few days before the final interview.

Do portable satellite phones work everywhere in the world?

or only within the satellite footprints? would it be useful to take one on a long, trans-oceanic yacht trip, or would there be too many dead zones with no signal? Anyone know a good one, and how much call charges are?

Why am I the only one who believes this gl ceiling is overrated? Aren't Women 55 percent of voters?

Look I am a liberal and maybe most people in my party would disagree with me about this notion of a gl ceiling. But they should listen to me.Any time before the 80s, I agree there was a gl ceiling.Women don't run for president thats the underline reason. The reason Hillary did so well is because she so well known, extremely bright, and no one believes she can't run the country... she just happen to face a once in a life time Phenomenon called Barack Obama. I believe its actually much harder for a person of color to be successful then a ordinary women. People of color have been trying , women on the other hand haven't tried to a degree which is satisfactory for there population. Do you agree with me, this isn't about political affiliation or philosophy so answer the question as a male or female perspective.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Anyone ever work in a government agency call-center?

The job is boring and there are a lot of negative vibes from the clients. You are right though, that it's best to get a foot in the door with the goverment. Lots of jobs are only promotional or available to regular goverment employees. Best to suck it up and take the job and look to move on. Don't worry, tons of people do the exact same thing.

A. Rodgers vs DET or Mike Vick vs WAS.?

Mike vick has been outstanding i hate to set him out but it seems that rodgers might have a better chance vs det. theres not much of a point difference actually. Any advice?

What are the real chances of getting a girl pregnant on pre ***?

i Know people say its very very unlikely but i've yet to fund a real statistic or percentage does anyone have actual figures?

What caused the failure of Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign?

He put all of his money in Florida , but since Charlie Crist said vote for McCain everyone did and Giuliani lost, but every commercial here was Giuliani then.

Can the Texans get Antonio Cromartie?

if they can get cromartie, that would be a good duo for them. joseph and cromartie would be a lot better then if they just got nnamdi. they could get him though.

Facebook woes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

whenever i try to chat to people online on facebook. it allows me to send teh message but it never goes through to them? how do i fix this?

How can a fart be useful?

I was stranded overnight in a car in remote North Dakota in January. I had nothing but a cigarette lighter and my flatulence. Obviously, a lighter does not have the heat output to sustain life, but coupled with my bowel emissions (I ate ribs and vegatables the preceding evening), I kept quite toasty. Saved my life.

Should I trade Michael Turner for Jay Cutler?

Rivers will be dope this year, and Turner is likely a top 15 rb...I say there is no way you make this trade, especially since you have Barber AND jones...

How can i hack my n95 8gb?

iwant to hack my n95 8gb v35.0.001 i m searching for it for weeks but could not find the method to do so .plz plz plz help me!!!!!!!!!!or this firmware is unhackable??plz reply

Why Do Some Non-Christians And Christians Quote The Old Testament While Ignoring The New Testament ?

The old testament is a little more violent, a little more God as a thrown down lightening and thunder when we mess up. While in the New testament, Jesus shows the God is a forgiving God who loves us even when we make mistakes. Thus to those who want to besmirch Christianity it is easier to show the "EVIL CHRISTIANS" by just using the old testament.

Has anyone seen Apocolyto? The movie that Mel Gibson Directed?

I personally loved the movie, i love movies from different time periods, like 300, Pathfinder and i'm going to see 10,000 or what ever looks good and it received good reviews, i can't back to the matter in hand...what did you think of Apocolypto? My sister thought it was too bloody and too scary for her

With the latest photos of the Gulf disaster coming in, how is that "Drill Baby Drill" working out for ya?

there are over 3,500 oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. One has an explosion and you libs want to stop drilling for oil. I think 1 rig blowing up out of over 3,500 out there in the gulf is pretty safe. This is like a once in a lifetime event

Please, is this normal? I am normal, right?

I have a ritual called "terminator". I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.

Water system problem on my Honda Predule?

i have a honda prelude and i have a water problem. I found were it is leaking but i have no idea what it is, the location of the leak is on upper side of the engine on the left side, between engine block and the fuel injection system, the piece is made out of aluminum and it has aluminum pipes attached to it...can some identify this for me? thank you

We're trying to get pregnant irl through at home artifical nervousness behind this dream?

i had a dream that the sperm we were using was delivered w/o my knowledge, and it was dethawing in the container it's delivered in...i frantically wonder if i should try refreezing it to save it...but then i think 'well, if i do might kill what's left' i sit there watching it thaw,and our chance to get pregnant slowly melting away w/the ice..what does this dream mean?

GUYS: What's more essential ... a girl with a pretty face, or a girl with a hot body?

I'm just getting your opinions. Please don't answer "personality matters more." I know it does, but i'm asking this out of curiousity! (:

Java Program Help Please :(?

why don't you randomize a number, display the number on the screen, make the computer randomize some other numbers(to guess the original number)... continue from there.

Which game 2 get?? ?

skate 2 or stoked?? both games look real good. they are both realistic. but the guideline question would b, which sport is funner and is entertaining?

Do we have to study algorithm for computer CBSE board 2011?

firstly to well introduction with each n every part of computer, its working, knowledge of hardware/software etc...Then it will be applied after 10th standard.

Double Standard?

Don Imus got fired and public scrutinty over calling the Rutgers basketball team "nappy headed hos". He was labeled a racist, bigot, ect ect. But Rev. Al Sharpton has admitted to using the "n" word and offensive slurs had nothing happen to him. He admitted to calling the former New York Mayor David Dinkin a "n----r ". He was not publically denounced nor was he labeled a racist. Why? Because he is black and it's ok for black people to say certain words but not white people? The Rev. himself says that it's unfair to compare the two incidents, he claimed that because Imus was on radio that it had more of an impact. But the effect is still the same-people were hurt and reputations were damaged so why isnt Sharpton being publically denounced and fire?

I am starting to show symptoms of H1N1 flu, is there anything I can do to avoid the symptoms getting any worse?

I have a headache, a sore throat, a semi-stuffy nose, and my upper body aches. My family has had swine flu within the last week. I do not want my symptoms to get any worse because I do not want to miss school. I have been drinking normal amounts of water. What else can I do?

Where can i find books on theater of marcellus online?

i am doing a research paper that requires a bibliography using the MLA style but i dont have time to research at a library. Do anybody know any good sites? we are required to give the authors name and page number. im looking for a site where i can read books for free or download an e book and also if possible can somebody give me a little information on the theater of marcellus from a book they have read with the title of the book authors name and page number? I am not asking for someone to do my paper for me I just need a little help researching I am good at writting papers though.

How to bring back the flame in my marriage?help?

I married my husband 2weeks after we meet. It was love at the first sight...we've been through a lot and this year we've been married for 12 years. Last 2years ago we nearly divorce as I caught him texing romantic messange with his co-worker and since then I have lost my trust on him even that is the first time he cheated on me.He use to love me a lot and scared of loosing me and was good too but since the incidence a lot of things has change.He said he changed because I never been honest with him with my finacial issues which I think that is a lie.Since then I go back to uni and change my job for a better one and I start again to dress up and looks as fabulous as I can.He starts getting jealous again but we don't make love anymore and I don't bother too because I am not sure what is he into with this relationship.I dunno what to do...please help because I can't pretend anymore...

Citation Machine/ Generator?

Is there a citation generator or what ever where All I have to do is put in the web address and it MLA cite it for me .Because I don't no how to cite a wed page.

Julius Caesar help PLEASE?

does anyone know a good example for is you had to rewrite Julius Caesar today and how it would be different from how it was back then? Like a plot and characters?

I want to be sure before buying this. Can you help me?

I also waitress and I just measured my apron which looks exactly the same as in the pic and it measured 22 inches without the strings. so, you should be fine with the 24. 16 seems way too small. The 22 isn't bad, but if you decided on the 24 then it should measure that without the strings.

Should i or should i not leave? need responds immediately! (HELP)?

me & my fiance is leaving together for almost 2 years.we just had baby recently and my baby is about 3 mnths old problem is that when my baby was 1 1/2 mnths i found out that my fiance has been trying to reach his 2 past girlfriend and checking them out and by that time i was 6 almost 7 mnths prgnant.i found this out bec.he had left his email open & forgot to close it but since the first day we live together i always had that feeling thats his hiding something,he kept it pretty long and what pisses me of is that he knows that im carrying his baby & his stil trying to flirt on them on the email.he one time had requested a picture & those ****** bitches send him like a semi nude it really got in to my nerve! This has been a prblm to us now cz i lost my trust and i dont know what to do.we talk about this & he said he didnt thnk wat he did is harmful or wrong but i know it is. i love him very mch but im jst to posesive since dis that wrong?i nid some serious advice!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Whats a better trade: lose AP jacoby jones for andre johnson felix jones mike williams (TB) or...?

lose AP mason ocho for bradshaw colston randy moss. these trades are with two different teams but i need to trade ap and balance out my team. im 1-4

Need help in this Trig problem! Fairly easy.?

Area = (1/2)P*a = (1/2)(10*4sin36)(4cos36) in^2, where P = 10*4sin36 is the perimeter, and a = 4cos36 is the apothem.

I'm trying to find any SNL clips of Annoying Man portrayed by Jon Lovitz. Best link to these clips?

This is a an odd request, but have seen weirder questions posted here. The reason I need it is cuz I know someone like this character, Annoying Man, and I need several of these clips just to prove a point to someone. I've searched and searched and have found only 1 clip that was like 10 seconds. Need clips for all (or most of)his appearances on the weekend update segment w/dennis miller. these clips are circa 1989-1991 based on my research. Damn NBC for blocking this stuff on youtube.

Lighted Crochet Hooks?

Has anyone tried the Lighted Crochet Hooks? I have a set of Clover soft Touch Hooks that I love because they are easier to hang onto for me with their thicker handles. I have trouble crocheting with dark yarns and I like to crochet in the car but it gets dark and I don't like just looking out the window in the dark. I have seen them online somewhere but has anyone tried these? Did they really put out enough light to see where to put the hook? Is one brand any better than another? Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance and Happy New Year!

How can i change my psn security settings?

im trying to play black ops and when it starts the game it sys chat is disabled due to parental control settings. i went into the settings menu and turned parental control off. it still continues to say my chat " bluetooth" is disabled due to parental control. how can i get this to work i turned parental control off and its still not working.

Joe Torre and the Yankees.?

Joe is the man, I have liked him since he started with the yankees, he is a honest man, and he did not let the reputation of the yankees get to him, i hope they keep him it will not be the same if they dont

Is it an audit risk to declare 100% of your home as office?

I own 3 homes. I live in one, rent out the other, and the third one is used whenever I bring work home. I only spend few hours a week in the third house because I have a "real" office where I go for work in another city (client site). But there are times when I bring work home and I only go to this third house to do work because it is the only one of my places with high speed internet . And I am my own LLC. Can I write off 100% of the third home as an office/business expense? That seems to make sense because I really and honestly do not use it for anything else. I don't even have a bed in that place. Even if I get audited, I'm sure I can easily prove that the place is used 100% for business. No bed, no TV, and not even a couch. But it does have a refrigerator (I like to snack), a desk, computer internet connection, ... Thanks for your opinion.

Are Europeans significantly less physically reserved than Americans?

In Europe, personal space isn't as big of an issue as it is here in America. In Italy they often kiss both cheeks and hug. The men even do this to each other. As for your friend's guy friend, it's hard to judge without being there and seeing it for myself.

To feed or not to feed?

My 4 month old baby used to sleep ALOT longer than she does now. At 2 weeks, we was sleeping six hours in a row (10pm-4am), and by six weeks she was sleeping a consistent 8-9 hours in a row without waking. But now I'm lucky if I get 4 hours in a row. This has been going on since she was 12 weeks old. (now 19) I've heard of the 4 month sleep regression, but we have been dealing with this for almost two months now. So my question is should I feed her when she wakes up or not? When I feed her, she goes right back to sleep very quickly, but I know that in the past she was able to go alot longer between night time feedings. I tried giving her a pacifier to stall her, but it just makes for me going to here every 30 minutes. I'm just so confused on how to handle this. I don't want to 'starve' my baby, but I also don't want to create a habit. Any suggestions??? I feel like I am going crazy by the lack of sleep. I was up every single hour last night! (and have been for the past 7-8 weeks!)

How do I get more people joining in discussions on my forum?

You can put a thread in the forum which also displays on the homepage, attempting to encourage the community to help answer questions, and stating that you are just a moderator.

Can Christians and Atheists live in harmony?

Maybe they can live in harmony but there will come a time in a real Christians life when he's going to feel a burden for the guy going to hell and try to help him out a little.

Indi Colts Vs. NO Saints!?

We'll see how the game turns out. Both offenses are very strong. Neither defense is all that great statistically. The Colts were a little better over the course of the season. The Saints have given up a lot of yards and points defensively, but have been great at creating and taking advantage of turnovers all year long. I don't think the Colts will make a lot of mistakes though and do think they're more likely to win. Manning makes good decisions and gets rid of the ball quickly; I don't seem him getting beaten up like Favre was. I'd like to see the Saints win though. I used to go to games there sometimes when I lived in the Florida panhandle.

NFL* Last Year to This Year! Who Will Do Good and Bad?

I personally believe the bears will improve to be at leat 12-4 because of their pick ups of orlando pace nad jay cutler but Minnesota does have a chance at superbowl because know they have a recieverand Adrian Peterson

My knife has about a half a centimeter missing from the tip. I lost the tip, but is there a way I can fix it?

My friend was stabbing a picnic table with my knife, and half of the tip broke off. Only a half of a centimeter broke off, but I heard that with enough sharpening it will be good as new. Is it true?

Exactly how many people will lose hope in the Vikings after they lose the semi's & Favre?

ya go vikings is kinda being obnoxious, viking fans are probably even annoyed by him. I don't think it would be as heartbreaking as 1998 when they went 15-1 and lost the NFC championship game to the underdog falcons. they were the best team in the NFC, maybe the NFL and should have won the super bowl, and many vikings fans probably lost hope then more than they would if the vikings lose tomorrow

Any good music for a Christmas Musical?

First of all, Me and my friend are putting on a play called "The True Meaning Of Christmas" It's about two little kids who are all excited for Christmas and saying how it's the best holiday of the year, only because of the presents! So the kids discover a bible from Santa Claus to teach the Children the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus's birth. So far in the beginning I'm thinking the small kids could we skipping home singing " Here We Come A Waling" " Then after other things, when he goes to bed, he will sing this song about Where is Santa Claus? Or something like that. Then he has a dream which is being acted out, the Nativity scene and reliezed how important it was after reading out of his bible, the dream goes wacky and wrong and the kids discover what Christmas is really about. Any more songs to fit into a play like that Please we haven't started rehearsing yet!

Guy help please, lalalalalala (i need 20 characters)!?

Ok so i just got back from this dance (It's celebrating this dudes death anniversary, we have, what we call Death Break for the next week) and this guy i like took me (it was a date) i just moved here 3 months ago and he showed me around and was my first friend. Hes cute and kinda shy, but can be very out going if he wants to be (like when we where at this karaoke place and he pulled me on stage and we started to sing 'Pump It' man that was fun) and he is very caring (i was crying cus my boy friend (know ex) at the time was yelling at me over the phone he was jealous of Tyler (the guy that took me to the dance) cus i was talking about him a lot and he thought that i was cheating on him, he came over and let me cry on his shoulder while he hugged me (that's when i realized i kinda liked this guy) and then i found out that he (my ex) was cheating on me, so i broke up with him. when tyler asked me to the dance he said he would understand if i said no, cus of my ex and all but i told him it was O.K.. After the dance he took me home and he kissed me. But while he was kissing me he put his had on my and under my strap (dress strap) and he pulled away and blushed. Do you think he did it on purpose to you know. Or do you think he thought i would like it? He's really sweat and way better than my last bf, but there's no way I'm losing my V till I turn 18 i so don't want to be on that show 16 and pregnant. What should I do ask him about it 2morrow or just forget it? ugg HELP!

I have a teacher who hates me D=?

Try and switch rooms-explain why you want the change. If that does'nt work just try and behave in homeroom, talk as little as you can and offer to p out papers or whatever.

Binary compounds of alkali metals and hydrogen react with water to liberate H2 (g)..?

i am trying to do this problem as well and can't figure it out, can you explain to me how you came up with the answer please?

Need new tires for my fixie? CST?

the better question is why are you wasting money on nice wheels for a 'basher?' Silk-purse/sow's ear dilemma.

So, yahoo, am I ******?

I think she could be pregnant. The antibiotics would defiantly cancel out the pill and since they're strong ones, it could have defiantly canceled it out. Good luck! (':

What should we as Americans do to show that we don't give into Muslim intimidation of our 1st amendment rights?

How should we show our support for South Park's free speech rights to depict Mohammed, and honor those who have died for their free speech rights for depicting Mohammed (Theo Van Gogh, cartoonists, etc..)? I think one way to do so, would be to buy, and wear t-shirts depicting Mohammed. Anyone else have any other ideas?

Senior citizens should have s plates?

It would have been a good idea a few years back. Now we seniors are the old rock and roll generation and drove some pretty powerful mean machines. You'll recognise us, just glance at the car pulling out in your drivers side mirror...ooops too late.

Where in Houston can i buy an evil eye keychain/bracelet?

ive bought them before at ross.....the one i purchased was a gold bracelet with the evil eye in the middle

Do you wanna know the meaning behind the words to "The 12 Days of Christmas"? Here it is?

Thanks for the information. I am a christian and I heard of this song for many years, and I never would have related this song to the Christian faith. See you learn something new each day. Thanks and God bless.

17 AGAIN - I saw it today!?

His name is Hunter Parrish. He's been in a lot of movies such as: RV, Sleepover, Premonition. Check out the link.

Do I have Synesthesia?

When I think of things like months, I always think of the months circulating me in an orbit, with august a large circle behind me and january a small circle in front. I heard that's kind of like spatial synesthesia, and I view all different things like that, like weeks and days. Also, When I think about people, objects, just about everything, I think of colors and not words. I don't think of "August," I think of Red. Actually, scarlet, to be more precise. Instead of "Love," I think of Yellow. Time is circles, always orbiting me. I always thought this was totally normal, until I read about it online. Do you think I have synesthesia?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

If this guy got u pregnant and then left u well kick u out bec u had anger problems, But now your on meds?

and u wrote to him,Saying that ur on meds and he tell me that im pushing to hard that he does not believe that im better, he say one min I want to get back together with him and the next min im telling him that if he try anything when my baby r baby is born.What do u think do u think he just said that to get me to stop writing to him, or do u think that if i do leave him alone that he might want to try again with me.. I know that he has been talking to girls on line bec he on line right now and he has been on for about 3 hr now so i know he is talking to girls what do u think will happen..... and what should I do i love this man so much and he told my friend that he will never with me again but then i proved to him. That i am on meds for my anger and then he said what he said up there what i said do u think we have a chance if i stop write to him or not????

Julius Caesar Easy question, best answer earns 12 points!!!?

As Brutus and Cius prepare for battle, it becomes increasingly clear that their efforts are doomed. The outcome of the battle will resolve the conflict between the two political forces. What have you known about Cius that Brutus started to realize in the last act?

Vicodin Es Vs. Vicodin 1000mg Myth?

Pardon the title its up for debate. I am curious as to what it is I am taking exactly and what the sincere strength is. Im not certain if Vicodin 1000 exists or not, however I have always been led to believe they do. Currently after some serious injuries I have in-countered I have been prescribed Vicodin ES. I have done a lot of research considering I do not like to put things in my body that are going to harm me....sorry but doctors make mistakes to. After reading a lot I have learned all about Acetaminophen which is like Tylenol and Hydrocodone which is the happy little narcotic people get addicted to. And as I have read I have discovered that ES is a fairly high dose. 7.5 Hydrocodone. I also read that 10mg of hydrocodone is the highest you are suppose to consume. The problem I am facing is that there is a lot of different opinions on a lot of different sites. Is Vicodin HP the only higher dosage out there or is there a mysterious Vicodin 1000 that is in between. Also how would a Vicodin 1000 compare to a Vicodin ES? Also where does narco compare to Vicodin ES because I was offered those as well. Are there multiple narco prescriptions regarding MG as there is vicodine?

What brand of pantyhose or tights do NFL or NBA cheerleaders wear?

I wouldn't think they wear Legg's sheer energy due to the part of the pantie area showing the darker strip in the middle. I think they wear something like Tamara or Peavey due to the fact that it is sheer all the way up.

Boston and Cleveland still the teams to beat?

Hands down the best two teams in baseball last year. I don't see any difference this year. Tiger fans are kidding themselves if they think they can match pitching with Boston or Cleveland. Adding Cabrera doesn't win in October-or get you there-and I don't fear Willis. Boston has a crop of young arms that could pose a serious threat for years to come. Cleveland is locked and loaded for years to come as well. Bosox season will rest on what Dice-K can do his second year and a healthy Beckett-the pen is solid. Cleveland won 90 games 2 years ago and 96 last year-no fluke-young and getting better every year-won 96 games with key guys having TERRIBLE years-that's scary. New York doesn't have the arms to compete with LAA, Boston or Cleveland. Tigers don't either-Verlander is their guy-and he gets out dueled everytime he faces Cleveland-Boston or LAA, fact. They have a shaky at best pen too. How can Boston and Cleveland not be faves going into the 2008 season? Pitching wins titles.

What field of science does brain science belong to?

What field of science does brain science belong to? (Ex: Biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, astronomy, exploration, experimentaion, natural science, science firction, etc...) Thanks a bunchies ;D

Rate/Fix my Dark Creator Return Deck?

You did not share what it is exactly what you want to do, so I'll give some basic tips. The Dark Deck is a deck that removes monsters from play for powerful effects, and utilizes cards that can make use of the monsters that have been removed. Now, in this deck you are most definitely going to want to have multiple copies of D.D.R Different Dimension Reincarnation to get back monsters you remove; two is a bare minimum. You can also use Escape from the Dark Dimension, but as a trap you won't be able to play it on your own turn to summon your monster out of nowhere. Return from the Different Dimension is good to bring back many monsters for a surprise victory, but it's costly. Honestly, there is a lot of fat that can be trimmed to make way for cards that really help this strategy, such as Penguin Soldier and Winged Kuriboh, but there are more. A card I very highly recommend to help this strategy is Dark Nephthys. It removes two dark monsters in your graveyard from play, to give you a special summon on your next turn, and gives you a Mystical Space Typhoon bonus to boot! Follow up that play with D.D.R., and you can have something like your Dark Magician of Chaos back up and running, and you'll get a spell from your graveyard to boot! Feel free to e-mail me if you would like some more in depth suggestions as to what to remove from the deck, what to include in the deck, and why.

Where is the family unit in Disney animation?

Disney is supposed to be the bastian of wholesome family entertainment, but I'm trying to think of the last Disney animated film with an intact family unit. Bambi's mother gets shot. Beauty and the Beast: where's Belle's mom? Lion King: uncle kills dad. Aladdin: street urchin. Little Mermaid: where's Ariel's mom? Snow White and Cinderella: absent fathers and wicked step mothers. And now Meet the Robinsons: kid gets abandoned at an orphanage... What's going on at the Mouse House??

40 weeks pregnant and feel like i always have to go?

I'm 40 weeks today and so far I've had three false labors and two membrane sweeps. Last sweep was this morning which resulted in some pink and brown mucus for better part of the day with a bit of cramping. I've also been feeling like I have to go number two all the time, but when I go nothing happens. Its not painful but I've heard that feeling that way could be contractions without knowing it. I'm just curious if its that or just the baby pushing on my lower half. I'm also 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. I'm really weary about doing anything since I've had three false alarms already. I've told myself its not labor unless it hurts excruciatingly or my water breaks lol. What are your opinions and how did you know you were in labor?

Mega quilt blocks - one block the size of a lap quilt - instructions, Patterns?

I did this once by re-drafting but it was so long ago I forgot how I did it. Now I would just take my pattern to an office supply place like Kinko's, Staples, or Office Depot and get them to enlarge a pattern. In order to get the right size it might have to be broken up into 4 parts and then taped together to get a pattern and then out of a second copy cut your working pattern.

What movie soundtracks would i like?

Ten things i hate about you.... Cinderella Story.... Sherk.... & When a man loves a woman!! Good few songs on these soundtracks that i adore newayz!! :) xx

What are they going to do with all the excess office space of skyscrs as technology makes them obsolete?

With more and more companys moving overseas, and working from home on the rise, and the fact that skyscrs won't last forever....

Was A Neighbour Of Yours Ever Murdered?

Not exactly a neighbour but a young guy was stabbed to death outside the area where i live by a gang of youths. My other neighbours were witnesses in court and subsequently had to be rehoused in another part of the country and given new I.D.' case of reprisals.

Neon Tetra's????????????????

Breeding tetras is not as simple as putting some males and females in a tank and waiting for the magic to happen. You'll want to adjust their water conditions and diet and provide a separate place to keep the eggs and fry, or they will just end up getting eaten. This is one of many articles you can read on breeding neons: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What time does "Stump the Master" air on GSN?

Ken Jennings has a new show on GSN Network called "Stump the Master", but I can't find it in the schedule. What time/day does it usually air? I am in the Central Time Zone.

Ufc undisputed 2010....?

I'm beating every main card fighter in round one but as soon as I'm against the champion I get my whooped, its happened 4 times so far and I'm on the brink of breaking my xbox and throwing it at my sister. What the **** is going on?

NBA: Who do you think is going to win tonight....?

Dallas Mavericks. I say that the Miami Heat win the series in seven games, but I don't care which team wins the championship this year.

How can I make this girl to like me?

find things that she might be interested in.. but remember saying is never like walking no matter who answer you..

Zogby polls show mcCain now ahead 48-47 in Saturdays poll. The 1st lead for Mac ever. Is he taking over?

The first time ever it shows mcCain taking the lead after McCain has been steadily improving the last two weeks. America has woken up! Here we come!

Could MJ have won 6 titles without Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman?

Say Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman never joined the Chicago Bulls, how many titles do you think MJ would have won? Did MJ need Pippen and Rodman as much as they needed him?

What does Lady Macbeth think will happen after Duncan's murder?

Well, er, obivously, she expects Macbeth to easily take the crown as was foretold. I mean, that is the whole point of the play!

I need help!! with UGG bOOTS!!! :D?

Im looking for the cheapest ugg boots in the WORLD!! please dont say " they dont go cheap" or" ugg boots are UGGly" or any other UNHELPFUL stuff!! I need these boots ASAP!! Im tlking really CHEAP. Like, $40 CHEAP!! OR n.e thing less than $70!!! :)

Did all of Jesus' miracles exist in mythology before the birth of Jesus?

Satan knew some of God's Plan, but not all of it. That's why you see some of the Miracles Jesus did in false religions & mythology.

How can I cleanse my now tainted reputation? ?

Ok, here’s the thing. Yesterday we had a Japanese delegation in the office for a very important sales meeting. I had been so nervous about this that I hadn’t been able to move my bowels for days before. Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of negotiations, I get the call; and don’t mean a whisper but a shout. So, apologizing with the lame excuse that I had left some papers on my desk, I applied a severe sphincter-lock to myself and beat feet out of there, bee-lining it straight for the john. Once there, it was all I could do to drop drawers and plant myself before the event occurred. First I gave a rectum ripping birth to a big brown baby easily 22 inches in length with a girth the size of my forearm. This was followed by 15 minutes of noxious and explosive, splattering diarrhea. By the time the episode had ped, I was soaked in sweat, splotched from the waist down with plops of poop and had filled the room with a pernicious, putrid, almost visible moist cloud of cloying gas. Praising the Lord in no uncertain terms, I cleaned myself up as best I could and made to leave when it came to me that I hadn’t flushed. There was nothing to do but to return to the scene of the crime and pull the chain. To my horror, the only thing that happened was that soup and substance went round and round while the bowl filled and ran over the rim. My new born now lay on the on the slimy floor like some fetid fetus from hell. I left the room in a panic. But just as I walked into the hall, I saw the Japanese delegation approaching. They were headed for the john. No sooner had they entered than the air was filled horrified “Ohhhs!!!” and “Ah-sooos!!!” that reverberated through the building. They then began snapping pictures. It is my responsibility to close the deal with these people, but they now look at me with something between disgust and loathing. If I don’t close this deal I fear I will lose my job. My company sells personal hygiene products. Please help! What should I do?

Is there harm in doing this, co-sleeping question.?

My daughter is 3 months old.She has really started sleeping well at night (6-8 hr. stretches) which is REALLY good from how it used to be during her colicky days.By 8-830 she is ready for bed, there is no keeping her up later or she gets mad.So she falls asleep great in her crib and is normally out till atleast 3, sometimes as late as 430 when she wakes to eat. After eating, she is wide awake even though I keep it dark, rock while feeding, etc. I have tried to soothe her back to sleep and it doesn't work. She gets upset quickly when put back in crib. Last night I spent an hour going back and forth reuring her.She would fall asleep and 5-10 min later be crying. So as always, I give up and pick her up and we go to my bedroom and she falls asleep in bed w/ me.I have tried doing her light show/mobile/etc in crib or play the lullaby cd, that just seems to wake her more and she wont then sleep when she gets to bed w/ me.What would you do? I WANT her to fall back to sleep in her crib.


My roomate that I live with right now is a lot like that. Her grandfather past away almost 3 months ago, and she is still having a hard time getting over it. If you even mention grandparents, she cries. I like to try and take her out of the house when I can, and do what ever she wants to do. Have a girls night with her, watch funny movies, make pop corn and cake, cake is always good. Face masks are a lot of fun, the sight of a green face can make anyone laugh! Do things you haven't had the chance to do in a while. Better yet do some things that you've always wanted to do, but just haven't, the new experience could ease the pain a little, and remember to always be there for her, and reure her that everything is going to be okay. I'm sorry for the loss, and I know it may be hard, but try to have fun! Every day things will get a little bit easier. Good luck!

Who was the mother and father of Ludwig Van Beethoven?

This information is readily available on the internet in numerous sources if you care to look (presumably, you know how to use a search engine!). We don't much care for being used as the lazy person's source of easily-obtained information.

Who do I play? Need 2 Rb's?

Go Barber and Westbrook. Addia is going to have a rough day with Bal. Plus lately Manning seems like he's trying to prove stuff through the Air so Addia hasn't got much done. Good luck

I'm A Stressed out Mom please help?

Sounds like you have three perfectly normal teenagers. You should be proud of your daughter for standing up for what she believes in - a LOT of people smoke pot (which is a natural, organic herb by the way) and many people believe it does open up the mind. Unfortunately being the parent of a teenager they are going to start making their own choices - it is of course your job to offer your opinions and guide them in the right direction, but ultimately they will do what they want to do. Lighten up a little bit and do some research on pot - real research, not the BS the government wants you to believe. Watch this movie (free on Netflix, and Youtube) "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High" with all your teens and relax a little bit. If your other daughter is gay - again there's nothing you can do about it. Just be a supportive mom so your kids don't hate you in a few years.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Help With Building Gaming Computer?

That's pretty much the best i can think of i dont see anything else you could do to speed. As for working together it all should your just gonna have to download alot of drivers and such. im jealous

Why does my front driver-side speaker buzz/rattle?

Its just the plastic vibrating man, its really annoying though. It will come and go over the course of your cars life, and other parts will vibrate too eventually. Your best bet would be to get some hard foam, and put it between the door and the door panel where or close to where the noise is coming from.

Do You Think A Orton And Rhodes Feud Could Be Good?

Mark Henry should be released already, I hope its a heel preferably Barrett or Rhodes. Maybe a triple threat or fatal four way go get more people on the smackdown roster in the main event scene.

Is this a fun 13th birthday party idea?

Sounds fun to me. I've never been in a limo! and the snack stand idea sound cool and my vote is for a chick flick.


text him and just start off with a hi and start casually talking, just ask him how hes been, then just be honest with him and tell him you have to talk to him about something that has been on your mind and go from there! or even call him if you want....

Refund Anticipation Loan?

so i filed my taxes for the first time this year and i dont know what went wrong. i used turbo tax and everything went fine.then i got an email from santa barbra bank & trust saying they're going to send me a Refund Anticipation Loan . i got that in the mail and my dad said not to cash it! that it has high interest rates and what not . this was in feburary. i still didnt get my REAL refund in the mail. i called the IRS and they said i have to contact that bank but theres no phone number! is it possible that they stole my check? please help!

Isn't it true that in the late 60's the Republican party began a successful campaign to gain the racist vote?

by opposing things such as affirmative action, and that is why all the states known for racism are now red states?

Which is the best alternators?

im looking for a brand new alternator ultima a good alternator?bosch alternator?best brand alternators?or is it best to get a new alternator from the dealer?the one i got that comes with my 2000 plymouth breeze 2.4 liter engine is denso 90 amp alternator.manufacture number 121000-3510.oem number 4609415.hope this helps.thanks ppl.

Should i do this trade?

Sitting at 5-0 you certainly have some wiggle room to make a bold move, and looking at your team I'd definately do it. With Jennings, Engram, and White to hold you over till Boldin gets back you easily have to have one of the best WR corps in your league. And With Gore, Turner, and Johnson you really have no need for Williams. Holt is getting old and with all the issues St. Louis has there is really no guarentee that Bulger will even have time to drop back and p it to him, so I think you easily get hte best of this trade. White has become a top receiver with Matt Ryan helming the QB position in Atlanta and I don't expect that to stop any time soon. With Jennings, Boldin (when healthy), and White you have three number one receivers. Do the trade and never look back!

Math confusion: Trigonometry Finding angles!?

You should be able to do the inverse tangent of 553/1100 and get the angle measure. Make sure your calc. is in degree mode. hit tan-1(553/1100) and you should get 26 degrees (with some decimals)

Is there any junkyard or a garage with old cars in dallas that sell the 1999 nissan skyline gtr r34?

do you know how brian got his skyline in 2 fast 2 furious prelude like that type of garage i want to find one there and get the car and also which shop in dallas sells performance like engine and turbo and body kits like c west and wheels like the hre 440 like brian's skyline, idc about nitro unless they make the nitrous legal like not too sharp, i'm a skyline person

How can I get around the airlines policy of cancelling my return flight if I cancel my outbound flight?

I don't think there is a way around it. Maybe the best thing you could have done was change the flight there if you couldn't make it on the original date. The only thing you can do is speak to the airline and see if they can help you.


Using the double angle formula how would I find the sin2x,cos2x, and tan2x of csc(x)=10 ... tan(x)<10

1 year old girl screaming?

Gina seems to be a little spoiled, ok alot spoiled. she is probably the only child and doesnt really get the "interacting " thing down packed. When first stated you said your daughter, loves to touch and pull and tug on her...well that may have set it off. Try playing games with the both of them at the same time to get them to positively interact with one another. Simple games, p a ball to one the cartoons that have singing and dancing. Help them help you. Good luck

How to get your handcuffs off without a a key

in the film "no country for old men" the beginging the bad guy kills a cop using his handcuffs to brutally strangle the cop, but how did he get them out? sure he mightve reached for the officer's keys but how can his hands do that if they cant move? plus his handcuffs are in the front, not the backside, therefore making it much easier to strangle a person

Why do so many people from other Countries?

give a Rats A$$ about what happens in the US? Why is it they have such a expert take and opinion of what happens here and why do we listen to them. Is it that they could not do the same in their respective Countries without fear of Political reprisals from their authoritarian regimes. Would our opinions be just as welcome as they think theirs should be here? I get sick and tired of letting people who really despise us want to voice their opinions and really wish for our hopeful demise. It could be they are fearful if the US goes bust and we become unraveled as a Nation, we won't be able to look after their backsides as we have for almost 100 years. What do you think?

Why does my cat growl while eating?

If you watch a nature programmes you will see Lions and tigers do exactly the same thing, it's to warn others off... You're probably bringing more of this instinct out in her as you're feeding her raw meat but as long as it;s being enjoyed!! p.s cats are weird ( but also wonderful!)

"Phone Credit Card Scams"?

check out a href="" rel="nofollow" - consumer resource center. all kinds of scam info there, there's also a forum where u can keep up to date on current and future scams. And if u have any questions just post it in the forum and somebody out there should help u. a href="" rel="nofollow" Best of all it's FREE 2 join, just register at the top it'll be worth it for u to keep up 2 date on scams/fraud. Hope this helps.

My friend doesn't like me anymore cuz i spoke about God?

like he's an atheist and i said one little thing like "yeah my mom said you'd be the perfect guy but all ur missing is Jesus" and he completey stopped calling me. and i just heard from another friend that he stopped calling me because of that remark. why did he get so offended. i'm not trying to force anything on him or say he's any worse of a person than i am. we're ALL imperfect!

Is Julian ange about to find out that when you mess with the Bull (The U.S.) get the HORNS!?

If the US wanted him they would have him. The fact that he is still out there still leaking tells those of us who are capable of thinking critically that he is a plant.

Spyware Immunization?

Does anyone know if there are any other free programs besides Spybot and Spyware Blaster that offer immunization against spyware and adware?

Do You like this name?

I have a baby on the way and we're expecting a girl. The one we like the most is Lauren Elizabeth. Our last name is Morris. So she would be Lauren Elizabeth Morris. Any other suggestions?

Victorians: Do you support your Police Commissioner??

The police union is marching in Melbourne and demanding Christine Nixon's resignation. How dare they??!!

The Best Divorce Ever?

ha ha, i had read this once before, but they added another line. the last line in the wife's reply was, and oh, by the way, my sister Daniella was born Daniel!

Is it really true, because i have won at the site of freelotto, i have pending money, should i believe?

i joined at free, and i have won, it was pretty convincing,, should i believe or I'll just ignore it? please do answer because I'm confusing!

Did you ever notice how the land was divided once they came to steel it from the Indians?

Yes, and I'm not proud of what our ancestors did in the name of spreading the word. Spain took most of it. Portugal took Brazil. The British , French, and Dutch were in on it too. The Dutch were run out. We drove the British out twice and then proceded to drive the Spanish out of the US. The French sold out in the US and remained in Canada until some migrated to Louisianna. All of this time we were all taking it away from the Native Americans, Asians who crossed the Bering Strait when it was solid ice thousands of years ago and managed to populate two continents. I'm not proud. I'm ashamed. We owe the native american a temendous debt that we will never be able to pay. " I like this place. I think I'll take it ". What kind of attitude is that ?

Will biased refs always be a problem for the NFL?

Refs were bad all around. I think there are times they just need to let them play. That said, Harrison was held numerous times, so that was a good call.

Is this what our troops are defending??? Paris Free!!!?

good point....You have a right to ask is the what our troops are wonder we look so stupid to the rest of the worlds....

Atheist, do you really think, believe, whatever that?

I doubt that mankind will ever see a day when there is no suffering in the world. I believe it is possible to eliminate suffering, but there are too many people who are greedy, selfish, etc. for that to happen any time in the near future.

I like this girl......................?

She dam pretty, smart, popular, nicest personality, but she has bf, but they been together for while, i asked my friend to ask her what she thinks of me, she said im wired but very adorable, funny, nice and sweet, then my friend asked her if she ever thought of me more then a friend, she said not really, she said im always to shy to talk to her, she said if we come good friend for about 2 years she willing to become more then friends, what should i do, she has the most amazing smile, we stare at each a lot in the corridors or whenever we p each other, i think about her all day, many girls have asked me out, but turn them down, she the only one i want.

Where can I get GOOD diaper coupons?

I'm trying to find coupons for diapers. Any kind of diapers really. And I'm trying to find printable diaper coupons online.. but anything will help! Thanks :)

Help with actors and actresses?

Okay, so for my seventh grade english project we have to find actors and actresses to play the characters in the book roles'. The book is Countdown by Ben Mikaelson. We have to describe a boy named Vincent who is an African Maasai, 14 years old, He is interested in learning and fights a lot with Elliot. Elliot is also a fourteen year old boy from Montana, and is the first junior astronaut. They contact each other on radio in space, and he is very head-strong and determined. He will do whatever it takes to get his way. Then there is Mandy. She is a girl who was Elliot's alternate in case he did not p the requirements to go into space. At first Elliot and Mandy had a rough, ,and competitive start but became the best of friends in the process of training. When Elliot is in space he misses her deeply. She is kind, very intelligent etc. He develops a crush on her. If you were to see this book in a movie what actors would you use, to play them?

During which Bon Jovi concert were the crowd waving their hands along with Jon Bon Jovi's guitar?

I saw a very short video (without audio) from a Bon Jovi concert. The venue was some stadium. In the video Jon Bon Jovi waved his guitar and the crowd waved their hands to the same rhythm. Where was that footage from (what concert, which song, any video?)?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please help me....Pain in my leg?...please answer my question?

Something is wrong with my leg, im not sure what is wrong, the only thing i know is that i have a pain from the front of my shin to the top of my foot, it feels like a stinging sensation( last thursday i started doing kickboxing, and throughout the weekend i had that pain, and yesterday i continued but now the pain has gotten worst; when i raise my foot, is when i feel the most pain) is this normal? is this a cramp? one of my gym buddies, told me it was a nerve? what can it be?....what should i do?

HELP ME WITH BIOLOGY PLEASE~ Evaluation & Synthesis?

The aquatic juvenile stage and terrestrial adult stage suggests that it is an amphibian and most likely a frog (Anura). As a juvenile it would need gills for respiration because it lives in the water; think of a tadpole. Obviously since it is aquatic and needs to breathe underwater it is going to have to have gills. The tadpole would probably bring the water in through its mouth and expel it through their operculum. The water and blood go through concurrent exchange so the maximum amount of oxygen get to the blood and max amount of co2 is taken out. Then as they are an adult (frog) they would need a functional lung to breathe in the air. All tetrapods need some kind of lung to breath air, like us, but we use our ribs to produce efficient breathing. Frogs don't use ribs to breathe instead they use a very inefficient way of breathing. As a result frogs also breathe through their skin via diffusion

Why do some people say that The Dark Knight is bad?

I'm a christian and I LOVE that movie and I always will. And not to offend anyone, but if you think it's bad and that God doesn't like it, quite frankly, there's something wrong with you. The movie has violence but that isn't a sin to see. The real world we live in has violence people and so does the bible so stop condeming innocent things. Besides the message of the movie that GOOD TRIUMPHS OVER EVIL is crystal clear. People need to quit, I'm sure Jesus would watch it himself were he a man on earth again. And if you're a "christian" who's going to try and tell me why you THINK it's evil even though it's wonderful and you haven't even seen the movie yet, then just shut up and don't even explain yourself because you're only wasting your time. It's not a sin to enjoy movies and have fun.

When would be a good time to tell her?

Well, I would say do it next time with the lights on and the color difference alone should give her a clue. ( I would have chosen the darker one myself, so I think you did just fine)

Can my car run on ethanol gas?

check with your dealer id be able 2 tell you if u would say what car you have but mainly only chevy will run off it and i think 06+ =p just ask ur dealer though

The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, His Dark Materials, Twilight, or Harry Potter?

Harry Potter. Why? It's everything a person would want to read. Romance, magic, adventure, and horror. It's just plain great! I'm 14.

What plant grows best in a swamp with little to no sunlight?

I'm looking for a plant that grows best in a swamp type condition, with a soil type that ranges from sand to clay, and has little to no sunlight. It should be able to grow fast, and reproduce quickly. Probably a plant that is not good for snakes and frogs, because i would like to deter them as well. thanks!

Do you think Hilary Duff is hot?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should i have background music playing during the wedding ceremony?

i have been a bridesmaid at a wedding where they dont have music during the ceremony and its nerve wrecking cuz its so quite and everyone is staring at you and i always that a little music to break the silence would be nice. so i thinking on having moonlight sonata by Beethoven play during the ceremony and just make it very soft so you can here the vows and everyhting.... and she will have a microphone anyways....but what do you think? alot of people are telling me to do it and some are telling me not to so i just want another opinion

8weeks pregnant problems sleeping?

i have problems sleeping at night i would fall asleep at 930 and wake up at12 ,3,4,&5 and by the then my morning would be gone i tried staying up that way iwont be wakeing up tru out thenight also my tummy would bother me what can i do to get some sleep?

ADVICE PLEEEASE !! Lived With a Crack Addict As A Kid And Still Dont Knoe How To Cope With It =S?

there is no easy answer to a question of this magnitude.... love never seems to follow along a logical line of thinkin, but that what makes it so special- the hurts that it can heal, the renewed love for self, or the discontinued acceptance of anything less than the reciprocity of given love in return.... This is the crossroad that you are at- loving one for the help provided, but at what cost will your love continue to be spent??? 8 months is a long time- and I dont totally understand your experiences first hand, but i do know that all the counseling in the world can not replace the soul's need for self-love...

Do big muscles mean big strength?

my friend told me that big doesnt mean that tru? if so how can i get more strength than looks?

Maybe Teenagers Are Harry Potter Fans?

I personally thought that the movie didn`t really have a point to it. They barely talked about the Half-Blood Prince, and the movie didn`t reflect too much on him, until the end. I don`t remember seeing Hargrids wand.

Friesan Fire, Pioneerof The Nile, Musket Man (?) won their preps. What do you think of the Derby picture now?

Even with his place today, I like Old Fashioned and Friesan Fire. I have my doubts about Pioneer of the Nile because he has not shown anything on dirt. I say this because Colonel John was my fave last year coming from the west coast and did not do what I wanted him to.

Good introductions?? please help?

hey i need help!!!! im writing an essay about the short story "the masque of the red death" by edgar allen poe. i kinda suck at introductions and conclusions... we cant use 1st and 3rd person pronouns... can anyone help me get started on these??? if you need more info you can just message me or sumthin. thanks so much!!!

Romanticisim in The Scarlet Letter?

I need one more example of romanticisim in the first six chapters. I've been working on this for over an hour and I can't find one last example please help!!

When we want to find out the total WBCs count under microscope how do we count from up-right ?

count all the cells within the box. do not count the cells touching the bottom line and the left line. You can count the cells touching the upper and right line. count all the small boxes withing the one big box then divide the total number by the # of boxes you have counted. You should have gotten a lab hand out?

Do you know of any good history web sites for kids?

Over the summer I like to keep my two kids, ages 8 and 10 busy and do a few lessons plans over the summer so that they do not forget everything. I would like to do a bit of history; either united state or world history this summer and I was wondering if there are any good web sites for kids that cover history and has some good printable work sheets and/or games.

Tax exemption at Canada Customs?

Your declaration amount at Canada customs would be $760, and you aren't eligible for any tax exemptions. Unless they are items you purchased at duty free, and those would have already been built into the price. It is the place you are purchasing from (US State) that is most likely provider of saying tourists are exempt from our tax. Canada GST use to have a visitor program like that. And like I said, that is the idea behind duty free - local tax not charge because the purchase is leaving the country.

Do you know what film this annoyingly interesting teaser trailer is for?

its probably a trailer for an upcoming movie. or some people were in troble. it depends if it was on national tv. it was probably kids messing around. I also think i saw Chris Jerico in the backround.

What was the name of the Australian TV series?

Does anyone know the name of the Australian series, now about 25 years old, that was about two sisters, one of whom had been bitten by an alligator. She owned a fashion business and was almost always dressed in white. The other sister (almost always dressed in black from what I remember) was trying to get her hands on the business. The series told about the struggle between the two, and was like an Australian Dallas (or their attempt at it). Thanks!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I was just diagnosed with the flu put on Tamiflu. What should my 5 yr old do?

I think all u guys had the swine flu, because I had it too and I had the similar symptoms as your son's. Yeah, It wouldn't hurt to get him vaccinated even if he was sick a couple days ago. He has a chance of getting it back. Yes, you can get them both at the same time. It's probably safer to get the shot, but you should ask your doctor on that one. You could also ask the doctor/nurse/volunteer which one he should get. Hmm... If you're getting better, then you might have a couple days being sick. You really can't say exactly when, but you should keep drinking water.

What 3 objects where found in Ark of the Covenant?

What 3 objects where found in the Ark of the Covenant? I think one is the 10 Commandments what were the other 2

I put too much salt in my dish ...?

I made a minced beef stew and used too much salt, it's bearable but I'd like to omit a little of the salt I added, is it possible??

How fast was the car moving?

POlice examining the scene of an accident measure a skid mark 50 m long for a car that nearly came to a stop before colliding with a post (Vfinal~~ 0). If the coefficient of friction between the tires and the road is 0.8 how fast was the car moving just before the brakes were applied? What is it in mph?

What is tomato ketchup made from?

does tomato ketchup have wine in it? is spirit vineger made from wine? hi mu dad arguying bout if it has wine or not can you help! thanks to every1 hu answered!

Ohkk , i really need major helpp . Dx?

alritee , im 13 years old and 5foot 6inches im currently in a size 9 in pants ..... im now on a diet and its working ! ;D i only drink water and im now a vegatarin and work out everyday ! anyways, im looking forward to either being a size 4 or5 but im not sure if i should go smaller lke a 2 or 3 ? or bigger like a 6 or 7 ? im lost !! .in whats to big and whats to small . . .-_- helpp ?

Why do I keep getting logged out of Facebook?

I'm just on Facebook, when It says I get logged out. hmm weird right? Well I log in again and continue. Then I log out again, and then again. Why? and also i get IMs popping up from me sending spam to my friends when i didnt do that. WHY? thanks.

Am I the only Catholic that has this confused? I always?

thought that Jesus ascended into Heaven almost immediately after he rose from the dead, not fourty day's afterwards. I am shocked to find this out, or am I not understanding this correctly? Where is this in the bible, I would like to study this.

Do people at Mississippi State, Vanderbilt, and SC brag about how great the SEC is?

The strength of a conference fluctuates and this argument about SEC fans is getting tired and old. Yeah, we're a prideful bunch, but really I could care less how the other schools in the conference are doing. I know we have several good teams, and we have a few bottom dwellers, just like every other conference out there.

Is ares a good sight?

i think its claled ares but its a music download sight first how legal is it?? and second will u get viruses from it?

Can you just not wait to see that BFP!!!?

I was just reading a question of someone who got two lines and I got all EXCITED!!! This will be my first month not using any kind of birth control...I stopped the pill in October and just finished my first "real" period here I go...let the baby making games begin!!!! Baby dust to all you ttcers out there!!!!

What is the name of the song in the new sophie ellis bextor revlon advert?

If you remember small snippets of the lyrics of annny song, go to google and type in : lyrics and song finder, and there should be a site called Lyster where you can type it in and it will come up with songs it could be. Hope this helped. :)

History help... The Scientific Revolution?

Why was the Enlightenment “profoundly secular,” and why did this make it unappealing to the poorer segments of the European population?

Derby to Alton towers?

Try here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do Christians share the same statistical rate of divorce as everyone else?

“What God hath made, let no man put asunder.” How could Christian marriages fail if they are sanctified by God?

If gay marriage was legalized, would discrimination towards s decrease?

I'm doing a debate paper on gay marriage. I'm affirmative, but I can't find anything that proves discrimination rates against uals would decrease. I'm not allowed to use Wikipedia. Could someone give me a good cite for this.

Why are Lebanese/rest of Middle Easterners labelled as wogs?

Well, a wog is supposed to a non-white person, that's it, and it's supposed to be offensive, so anyone who casually uses that term is racist.

Can anyone give me some details on the following places please as I am not sure on wheelchair access and such?

You might do better to ring a tourist information centre or look in a guide book for the UK. Try lonely plant online too.

They are about cell reproduction! answer the question and if you also can explain.... please explain?

1.During mitosis,sister chrmatids are pulled apart? grow mainly because your cells? 4.the cell of an animal has 20 chromosomes. A body cell of this same animal has how many chromosomes? 5.during mitosis, which of the following does not occur? 6.cancer cells undergo mitosis at a(an) ______ rate. 7.whch cells are formed by meiosis? 8. excessive exposure to sunlight may cause cancer of the? 9.A human female forms how many eggs from one original cell? 10.A cell has 4 chrmosomes. After mitosis,each new cell will have_____ chromosomes. 11.during which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the dividing cell? 12.which of the following represents the phase of mitosis in their proper sequence?

Chem heat capacity?

When propane gas is burned to CO2 and H20, 50,450 J of heat energy is produced for every gram of propane burned. Using propane as the heat source, how many grams of propane would be required to heat 500.0 g of water from 20 degrees C to 100 degrees C? Heat capacity of water = 4.18 J/g.

Why does my 5 month old get fussy only 2 hours after nursing?

I try to hold him off till 3 hours before I nurse him. I have started cereal and now recently fruit but I haven't seen any change in his eating and sleeping habits. He takes 3 to 4 naps a day about 30-45 minutes each. He doesn't keep a pacifier in his mouth but seems to like it as long as someone is holding it in.

How do i get rid of a runny nose and FAST?

I got the answer right here take both of your fingers are doing it cause do it right now!! and now take those two fingers and shove them straight in your nose.

Is Evolution Responsible for Girls not farting?

If you put it down to natural selection then girls who DID fart would be the only ones to survive long enough to be able to reproduce. The gas in the girls who DIDNT fart would build up and eventually explode, killing the non farter.

I'm tired of life..........?

Ok, it's not surprising to me. Life sucks. I know that there are people experiencing harder things than me. Such as sickness, death of a family member, etc. But i am so pissed that something so minor can impact my life in such profound ways. I've been stuttering since I was about 8. Now i'm 17, and for these past 9 years, Stuttering has killed the quality of my life. I have little to no friends. I only had one girlfriend who didn't even like me. When people introduce themselves to me, i can't even say my own name because of my stutter. I want to be a Doctor one day, but if i can't say my own name how will i ever succeed? I can't even cry about this, every time i try to, blood builds up in my eye. How is it that stuttering has been around for thousands of years and no one can find a cure? I'm not sure of what to do anymore. I feel like exploding. I have been embarred countless of times. Sometimes i wish that there was no universe. I'm mad, but who am i mad at? what am i made at?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What do you think of this?

I think giving work to ex-offenders will reduce the occurrence of repeat offenses. It is a big step in the reduction of crime. Companies are scared of their image when they hire ex-offenders but it should not be so.

Hateful Rev. R.G. Green website christian???

I'm truly glad that you don't see all Christians by this horrible example. With friends like that, God doesnt need more enemies.

Advices please for my 8 year old son ?

My son in year 3 has been barred from borrowing from shool library cos one of the school teacher lost his book. End of Term 1 , just after he went out to the playground with newly borrowed book from library, he asked this teach on duty if she would like to keep an eye for his book and she agreed and said to him just to leave the book on the floor near where she was standing . But when he came back , the book was lost. And the teach on duty was very indifferent and simply said she was busy supervising the playground. He was afraid to confront the teacher cos he knew she sometimes wasn't nice. I honestly didn't think that was his fault unless he was blamed for trusting his teacher. It wasn't about money /fine and I don't wish to get involved so early cos I wish him to learn more about trust, keeping promises, fairness and courage. I do understand it could be very difficult for him to confront some BIG authority like her ? Any advice pls ? Appreicate.

How to make my hair pretty?

What hair styles? i have midterm tommorow so maybe something that has my bangs puulled back. I am taking a shower now so any ideas on what i should do after the shower? like things like wht or what to put on damp hair to make it frizz free

Can "conservatives" discuss anything without using talking point cliches?

Oil profits under Shah Pahlavi funded CIA covert ops. Wouldn't have happened under Socialist leaning Mossedegh, who was democratically elected, which you mentioned. Also, there was concern that he might align with the Soviets. As a Muslim, it's highly unlikely that he would align with the godless commies. We made a mistake.

Quick thaw for fish, please help?

Put the fish under running water, or in a bowl of cold water, and sort of swish it around. It will thaw quickly. Just don't use warm will cook it and also can breed bacteria pretty quickly.

Seventh grade science questions?

what is a purebred trait? what is a hybrid trait? If
a mouse 
 what is a phenotype of a mouse with the genotype Hh?

Can you look at your 2nd card in Blackjack?

I have heard conflicting rules, sometimes when I play I'm told not to look at the face down card, and other times it's okay.

Where did my fish go??

i have a normal size fish tank (no idea how many gallons). i used to hav two ciclids. one male (blue) one female (yellow), and two upside down catfish. the problem is that since two weeks ago the blue ciclid just dissapeared. i checked inside every ornament and filter. he's not there. is it possible, that one of the catfish might have eaten him, since he's looking alot bogger these days?

What channel in the united states will show pumas vs america game?

Its going to be on Telemundo which sucks alot cause now we have to listen to them retards so called commentators they suck so bad they have no emotion towards the game and they boring

Why do so many people have the impression that Oxford University is the world's best university?

Can you really judge a uni just on the fame of its alumni? I think a lot of people think of Cambridge as been Oxford's equal or even better. But the majority of us really don't care!

Is intellect attractive?

It is attractive as long as you don't let it get over your head and create a rift between yourself and a potential date..........................!!

Days of our Lives: Who do you want back, and who do you want to see go? (Dead of Alive)?

We go thru this crap every wk! Cook is on GH he will NEVER come back to Days neither will Martha Madison. Alice is DEAD so is Mickey. Only Stefano: & maybe Roman & John came back from the dead mutiple times ! PFFT!

Ways to ask someone to prom?

Im kinda shy and im not willing to do anything public. And anyways shes a very popular girl so she might already have a prom date. So what are ways to ask her? Im leaning towards the straightforward approach, find her alone ask if she has a prom date, if not then ask her if shed like to go with me. Is that alrite?

Who's a better defense/special teams to start this week?

I picked up KC in my money league just to start them this week and get points. The Bills may score but Fitzpatrick throws picks, and the running backs might cough up the ball a bit.

Free view box ?

Could anyone tell me why my free view channels mess up and start jumping around or disapear altogether when it is raining channel 5 is the worst. Also is it possible for rain to get into the house through the ariel its just when it has rained really hard a small amount of rain was uner the box its so strange whats going on ? thanks guys x

What are metaphors, personification, imagery, etc?

Similes are comparisons using like or as (light as a feather); metaphors are comparisons not using like or as (the man was a mive whale). Personification is giving inanimate objects human qualities (the wind blew her cold breath up earth's bare shoulders). Hyperbole is an exaggeration (felt like a million pounds).

Can payday loans be helpful with redundancy?

I have a few payday loans out at the moment which are due to be paid at the end pf the month. However i was made redundant last month and really going to struggle to pay them this month and was wondering if they would help me with this or if there were any good debt companys that could help me ?

Why is gatsby so great????

Can anyone tell me why the book is called great gatsby, cuz i dont c y hes so great??? I know i already asked im just looking for a meriad of answers :)

Who Was With God In The Plural Genesis?

This was not 'God'. This was the gods. The 'gods' who created us. Just like we can genetically alter living things and create tube babies, our advanced ancestors could too. Only thing is, they came to Earth from somewhere else. We have yet to go to a different planet and mess with its living creatures.

Scuba Diving question regarding pressure?

You are wearing scuba gear and swimming under water at a depth of 66.0 ft. You are breathing air at 1.50 atm and your lung volume is 10.0 L. Your scuba gauge indicates that your air supply is low so, to conserve air, you make a terrible and fatal mistake: you hold your breath while you surface. What happens to your lungs?

Im from houston/galveston tx area anyone from that area know of prepaid eletric companys?

If it's because of credit issues, try Gexa Energy. They require a $100 deposit & that's it. At least they used to.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is there any scholarly research available on the power balance bands?

Not necessarily how they work or allegedly work but studies that have a number of people tested with and/or without the band and see if there is some type of statistical significance. I am a graduate student who will do a study on these but I cannot find a speck of accredited research. Anything would be helpful, even if its another seemingly unlikely balance aid or how supposed holograms work on the body in other ways/studies. ANYTHING would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

The Blackjack II or the LG VU?

I have had the LG VU before and I really liked it. I have never had the Blackjack II. The reviews I have on it are very mixed. If you have any reviews on either phone for me that would be great.

How can i lose some of my chub??

how can i lose some ofmy chub without loseing so much weigth?? i have too much chub i think not a ton but enough i wnat to have a flater stomach. I am a dancer and i just want my stomach to be a little bit smaller. I know hwne i start dancing agiant his school year i will lose some but what can i do now?? ANd i dont' want any be yoruself yorua perfect sixe!! blah blah blah!

Counting cards in Blackjack is legal or illlegal?

It is legal. You are not going to have to worry about any casino throwing you out, either. Not for a long time. That's because if you try it, you almost certainly won't do it right at first. If you ever get good enough at it where you become a threat, then you'll have to worry about how to not get barred or limited in some other way by a casino.

When we exhale, we breathe this, plus carbon dioxide.?

Shielyn - Exhaled air contains a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Words with the third letter "T" include nitrogen and water. Maybe your answer is two words together, like "water+...?

Is the movie bruno any good?

Yes it's funny and shocking and gross and all the things that you would expect from a Sacha Baren Cohen Film about a flamboyant gay guy. If you don't want to see a lot of stuff and a ton of s then it is probably not for you. If you like to laugh and aren't bothered by tha kind of thing than you will probably enjoy it.

If god created the universe, and god created life and is all loving and all powerful and loves life?

I think your answer is quite simple. You see, a diligent use of Occam's Razor cuts it to "If god" and the answer to that is how can a nonexistent thing do anything.

Leopard bullfrog tadpoles are

I collected many tadpoles with my son at a lake that is being drained here. We gathered tree frogs, toads and bullfrogs. Everything has grown and morphed except the bullfrogs. It has been 6 months! They have been identified positively as leopard (spotted) bull frogs. Yesterday I found that a minnow expired in their "true" to life lake environment the remaining three have been removed to a smaller environment with clean water and fresh food also without dirt and instead only river pebbles so that i can keep a closer eye on them. they are almost thumb size and 2 have small legs. They barely move/interact/eat at this point. So I need major help I don't want them to die but I have no local ponds to return them too, I am trying all I can but I am afraid they will die like the 4 others i had of their species and I don't know what i am doing wrong... yes i am treating the water and letting it sit out for at least 48 hours after treatment before using on them; until today their water was pond water (70 percent) The other breeds did fine but these didn't. I am thinking the crayfish that was in the tank and went missing died and made their water fetid and that's why their siblings died before i understood and removed them. If so how can i help them get well ? my son and I must admit me too are very attached to them. They used to swim to me and seemed to actually enjoy attention and I do not want them to expire esp before morphing I have devoted 6 months to these frogs and I wanna see them become frogs can anyone help???

New England Patriot scheadule? How will they do?

There are a lot of hard teams up there in the likes of the Falcons, Dolphins, Jaguars, Titans, Ravens, Panthers, Colts, Saints and Broncos. However, some of those game are at Gillette Stadium and New England is tough to beat at home. I think if Brady comes out hard and fast from his injury, the Patriots will be straight away back to their winning ways. They have enough talented players as we all know, so I see them finishing 12-4.

I have a motherboard that supports 4x/2x AGP can I use a 4x/8x card instead? It has a P4.?

yes, x8 agp cards are backward compatible but it will only run with your boards maximum bandwidth which is 4x.

For all of you that hate baby boys names on baby girls...?

I think it's ok for male names to cross gender if it's a fairly feminine sounding name, like Ashley, Ariel, Leslie, Lindsey have very soft sounding syllables so it's easy for parents to hear them on another girl and think that it makes a good girl's name. I just think it's stupid when parents these days use obviously manly names like Carson or Parker on their daughters just to be different and trendy, it just sounds harsh and ugly.

Where online can I look up the standard deviation of a given stock or mutual fund?

Google Finance provides standard deviation and other statistical info for some mutual funds and this is very helpful, but it does not provide this information for all mutual funds or for any individual stocks I've checked. Is there a website that provides this for stocks and more mutual funds?

My 9 month old has this a stuffy congested noes with slight coughing?

This started on the 24th of May and has continued and its the 3rd of June now also at the beginning he had a fever I don't know whats going on the fever stopped on the second to third day. I have kept his fluids up but I don't see why the congested nose hasn't stopped.

Movies similar to 'i know who killed me'?

I haven't seen the movie. But for murder-torture watch Seven with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Also I reccomend Kiss the Girls with Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman.

We have a 1960 American Consolidated Zero Radius Astro Riding Lawn to know history of product?

The only thing I could suggest besides looking for a model/serial number on it, and do a search by serial number, is contact the website below requesting the information. I found nothing in relevance on the web or Wiki.

I Need Help Planning A Event?

I'm planning a new year countdown for me and my friends, but I' having problems deciding what to do, we cannot go camping because the girls and some guys don't like the fact that we won't have a shower and toilet, bbq b the beach is a no coz we had enough bbqs to make sure we hated it..., chalets and hotels are a no coz it's impossible to book one, no dinner or lunch coz too boring for them, so ideas pls? take note i reside in singapore... thx loads

Where can i buy clear straps for a strapless dress?

i got a strapless dress for banquet but then i found out that we cant have strapless so i wanted to sew clear straps onto it. does anyone know where i could get those?

Are basketball cards worth money?

I have a booklet of basketball cards I collected when I was a kid. They are in near mint condition and I have held onto them thinking one day they would be worth money. They are from '91-'93 and include the following players: Dennis Rodman (when he played with the Spurs), Alonzo Mourning, Dee Brown, Chris Robinson, BJ Armstrong, Charles Barkley, Shaq, Isiah Thomas, Karl Malone, Shawn Kemp, Dikembe Mutombo, Larry Johnson, Shawn Kemp, Patrick Ewing, Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson, Chris Webber & others. Are these worth any money? Will they ever be worth any money? Should I keep them?

My fish is on its side at bottom of tank not eating! help!?

He is in a decent sized tank and is a comet goldie. He's about 3yrs old and a lone fish. He's been ill since Thursday. I've only just got round to a water change with the de chlorifier stuff in and have tried to feed him a thawed out pea chopped up but he just spat it out. He's on his side now and nt swimming at all :-( is there ne such thing as a miracle cure!? Help please what else can I try? Seems to me he's a gonner ne way so I may as well try. Please ne one?

Travel from Pattaya to Bangkok?

Should be no problem, is only about 1 1/2 hours away. I believe there are plenty of tour buses that go between every day. Check on a thai travel website to be sure. Hope this helps.

Is it possiable to buy a plane ticket from two air lines to go to a one destination?

i want to go to sri lanka from italy. is it possible for me to buy a ticket from one airline to go to kuwait and another ticket from another air line to srilanka(round trip)

Seriously, How do you compare LEGAL immigrants to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

I dont understand how Pros think that the ILLEGALS are the same as people who have done everything ro get here LEGALLY. Even the immigrants of the past who came through Ellis Island were LEGAL. And our country was built by LEGAL immigrants, There is no comparison, what is so hard to understand about that?

Whats the best low carb snacks but high protein?

where can I get some high protein and low carb bars - tried the Atkins ones and they are nice but expensive

Can we stop asking questions about Swine Flu?

who cares, people die everyday and besides this might sound cruel but diseases like these are necessary to keep the population in check, the world is already overpopulated

My boyfriend's mom screamed at him because I used the term "Oh my God"..?

If you are in her house you should respect her house rules or she can just ban you from the house. No one can make you change how you talk but they do not have to allow you in their house. It is that simple. Her own swearing is not an issue since it is her house. The bottom line is if you want to go to his house you have to accept that she has all the power.